Saturday, 26 September 2015

                                                       Teen Attitude

One thing that always comes with the growing teen in order to become a grown adult is Attitude. Some teens have an attitude that are usually worse than others, But there's nary an argument over the fact that a teen hasn't been affected by the attitude of their parents. It's just how the life shows you it's true colours.

Teenage years can be rough as well as good, According to an
old psychology data, It's been proved that one-fourth of teens has rough times. Another data proves that one- fifth of teens experience a carefree adolescence.


The main objective of a teen is to find oneself. Adoloscence helps you in finding what you really want by doing things you like.Anyone should have a right of living his or her life on his/her terms. And one mustn't be judged, But apprantely in the world especially in INDIA, People are somewhat judgmental, while in other developed nations it's not the case, They are free to do whatever they want and live their life on their terms.

However finding an identity is just very easy to say, but it isn't necessarily a cakeawalk. There is always a transition from childhood to puberty, That leads on to adulthood.

Being a teenager isn't easy as you think. And although we may occasionally get an attitude with adults, It's just a part of growing up.

SIGNS OF MATURITY IN TEENS Intellectually, teens today are exposed to and consume more information than earlier generations. In ma...