Movie Review
You should approach with caution towards any movie that tackles the pitfalls and plateaus of adolescence. High-school coming-of-age is distraught with tedious cliché and too often written by people either misremembering their own distant youth, or a ghastly observing their hormone-unhinged offspring. On the surface, Stephen Chbosky’s film, based on his 1999 novel, appears looked-upon. It serves in acid trips, teen suicide, homosexuality, truth-or-dare. Actually, that does sound pretty accurate...
Like the average teen, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower is often clumsy and awkward. Chbosky’s technical direction is scrappy, and every now and then the script drops a bummer (“How long have you been boyfriend and girlfriend?”). Yet there is something about it that just chimes. The period setting helps, making these teens as relatable to thirty somethings as teens themselves.
Crucially, though, Chbosky has cast his story well. Ezra Miller is lumbered with the ‘flamboyant GBFF’ role, but handles it with care. As ‘wallflower’ Charlie, Logan Lerman is surprisingly appealing. With Charlie narrating via letters to an imaginary pen pal we see his world unfurl into confusing, terrifying and amazing complexity, and even when his predicament takes a melodramatic turn, he remains an effective emotional conduit. Then there’s Emma Watson, all growed up and turned Transatlantic as the nerdy teen boys’ ideal girl. The American accent suits her.
An honest, affection-hooking, coming-of-age drama which proves that there is life beyond Hogwarts for Emma Watson.