Saturday, 20 January 2018


Millions of feet have trudged this path
And left pieces of their soles
Stuck on the ground, that we
So warmly remember as a corner of our own.

As we inhale the fading dusk
And try to capture the stars as indelible memories,
We take this moment constructed in stardust
And place it in a museum where the world
Starts to envy this meaning that we found
In smiles that somehow coaxed the other

That years wasted and a life changed
Can be both meaningful and meaningless,
Because of one night when the moon
Poured its glue of ethereal connections,
On two souls that learned that
Magic exists in knowing another,
And in the attempt to understand,
That millions of lips pine for love,
Because they have tasted it at least once.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

New Year, New Me ?

They say it's New Year,
Make some Resolutions !
But I sit and Yearn,
For some, Involution.

Get Thin,Work Hard,
Earn More, Sleep Soon.
Are you serious, I ask,
Will you follow any two ?

Resolutions are Pollution,
Just a word, if I may,
Say that all it means,
To me as I cease.

You change, when you feel like,
And that's how it works
Not forcing hard for New Year,
Just take the heavy burps.

Too many rules ? 
And Too many blues ?
Well, Stay happy and hashtag bliss
And Optimistic shitz.

If asked me my resolution,
I may say, Revolution
To change the way it works
For Simple Honest Perks.

SIGNS OF MATURITY IN TEENS Intellectually, teens today are exposed to and consume more information than earlier generations. In ma...